Using Carey Connect for teams

Carey Connect© is a powerful tool which works well for team members managing travel for others.  There are several features which aid and assist in sharing of information, eliminating redundant processes and ensure transparency throughout all phases of every trip.

Establishing a Business Account:

Establishing a business account is a great way to group information together for several team members who may be booking across an organization.  A business account allows for a centralized credit card to be used and shared and all trip information to be consolidated in one place.  A business account also allows your account manager to control who has access to the account, add new users or remove individuals no longer on your team. For more information on how to request a business account you can email

Delegating access:

Carey Connect users of the same team may choose to delegate access to one another in one of two ways.  If a team member is an account manager, he or she may wish to temporarily delegate their profile access to another team member.  This is a great feature for planned and unplanned time off.  The profile delegation rule allows other team members access to perform the same tasks and temporarily inherits the same rights as the delegator.  Alternatively, any team member may also delegate their account access to another team member.  This is helpful if your team has multiple business accounts with different team members linked to different accounts.

Linking to traveler profiles:

The best way for team members to leverage the powerful features of Carey Connect is through linking to the same traveler profiles.  Each traveler profile exists once in our system with personal preferences for his or her travel, saved payment methods, frequently traveled locations and notification settings available for each of your team members at the click of a button.  Each team member can request access in the passenger management section of Carey Connect.   For more information on passenger access, check out the support article on Managing Passenger Access Levels on Carey Connect.

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